Privacy Policy

Effective as of June 2023

Thank you for visiting website.

All the members of the Gr- Tourism aim at providing services of the highest level while at the same time respecting the privacy the personal data of our website’s visitors.
So, we consider of the highest importance to explain to you what data and for which reasons are processed through our website, as well as to describe you the rights and choices you may have regarding the processing of your data.
Please take a moment and read our Privacy Policy so that you can fully understand the way we process and protect your personal data.

Personal Data Controller
Company Name: GR-TOURISM EE
Address: 11 A. Papanastasiou Street, 124 62 Chaidari, Greece
E-mail: [email protected]

Information about data we collect
Through our website you are given the ability to contact our company so that you can submit an enquiry.
In that case you will be requested to fill in your name and e-mail and a brief description of your inquiry.

How do we use this information
We will use your information only to respond to your inquiry and hopefully to provide you with the information you need.
Your information is stored on our website which is hosted by a 3 rd  party provider that we have a contractual agreement with and commits them to providing an appropriate level of safeguards for your personal data.
We will read your message and normally respond to you either via telephone or via email.
We may ask for your consent to retain your information in our website in order to send you further information that we think may be of interest to you.
We will not use the information to make any automated decisions that might affect you.

How long do we keep your data
Your enquiry is kept in our website for one month unless you give us your consent to send you marketing information on an ongoing basis, in which case we will keep it for as long as you continue to consent.

What are your rights over your personal data
Right of access: You may request a confirmation as to whether or not personal information is being processed by Gr-Tourism and to obtain a copy of that information. We may decline to process requests that are vexatious or frivolous or extremely impractical, jeopardize the privacy of others, or for which access is not otherwise required by applicable law.
Right to rectification: You may request rectification if your personal information is inaccurate.
Right to erasure: You may request that your personal information is erased in certain situations e.g. if it is no longer necessary to provide any services to you.
Right to object: You may object to the processing of your personal information in certain situations e.g. for use of your data for ad targeting.
Right to restriction: You may request restrictions of the processing of your personal information in certain situations e.g. if Your personal information is inaccurate or unlawfully processed.
Right to data portability: You may request to receive personal information provided by you in machine readable format.

If you wish to exercise those rights please use the inquiry form on our website or send an e-mail at: [email protected]

Your right to complain
If you wish to lodge a complaint about our use of your information, you can contact the Hellenic Data Protection Authority
Kifissias 1-3, 115 23 Athens, Greece
Call Centre: +30-210 6475600
Fax: +30-210 6475628
E-mail: [email protected]

Changes to privacy policy
We may from time to time make amendments to our Privacy Policy. Since you have in any way consented in us contacting you for marketing purposes, in which case our relationship will be ongoing, we shall inform you on such changes in a visible and clearly distinguishable way.